Miriam Wasmund is an Alvin Ailey trained dancer living and creating work in NYC since 2001. She has had the great fortune to work with many inspiring choreographers and to travel with dance. These experiences led her to find her love for movement, creating, and community as a choreographer, producer and wellness professional. In 2019, armed with inspiration and the idea to get her creative community involved in sharing their voices and stories, guised as letters, Miriam created and founded Your Faithful Reader, an experiential dance theatre performance company. Miriam also has the distinguished honor of being the Senior Artistic Director of DreamStreet Theater Company, a not-for-profit performance company for adults living with disabilities, which she has been a part of since 2013. With the better part of her life dedicated to dance, movement and teaching, combined with over 10 years as a Personal Trainer and Group Coach in the fitness wellness sphere, she knows how important it is for us to live in our bodies, cultivate our passions and find happiness in sharing our spirit to its fullest.