Personal Training
= W E L L N E S S
With the better part of my life dedicated to dance, movement and teaching, in addition to 10+ years as a Personal Trainer and a Group Coach, I certainly know how important it is for us to live in our bodies, cultivate our passions and find happiness in sharing our spirit.
My Philosophy
Take responsibility for your learning. Move daily. Seek joy in the little and the big accomplishments. Set goals that are about how you feel above all. Look for the ah-ha moments, and keep going. Health and wellness are intrinsically related to our mental health, finding the peace, joy, purpose and passion in how we spend our time are key ingredients to the outcome.

With over 10 years as an Equinox Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Coach, in addition to my work as an Alvin Ailey trained professional dancer, I’ve come to understand that true strength is all about balance.
Read this 2017 Interview for more info about my training philosophy
I’m certified NASM, K.B.1 and 2, Pre/Post Natal, FMS, T.P.T., USATAF and RCCA, cpr/aed
And was also an original Tough Mudder trainer helping to create, coach and emcee the 4 year run of their Mudderella brand.
Personal Training Rates
Single Session = $125
6 Pack = $680
12 Pack = $1320

"Miriam has been my trainer for eight years. She is my mentor, counselor, and friend. When I started working with her, I was pregnant with my second daughter. I was looking for a trainer who would help me stay healthy and strong while pregnant, as well as renew my strength after having the baby. Miriam did those things, to be sure.
But in the meantime, she also became a close confidant and friend. Even though she pushes me to physically painful places, I have never dreaded a session with her.
Honoring the connection between mind and body, she motivates me by helping me to recognize the strength that I already have inside myself. When the pandemic forced us to think differently about everything, Miriam took the opportunity to pivot her training operation onto Zoom, and has done so successfully. It has been almost a year since we trained together in person, but I remain confident in her ability to motivate, engage, and advise me.
I highly recommend her as a trainer, and feel lucky to have her in my life!"
- Shirah Dunmphy

Join Me + The Fit Fam
Returning Soon to
Ft. Greene Park
What: speed, agility, quickness, athletic conditioning, fresh air, and fun!
Why: community, accountability, motivation, fitness friends, to be energized, stay on task, healthy part of a team and to take care of you!
When: Schedule Update Coming SOON

Need to Work out On The Go?
On-line Class Recordings available upon request
Recorded Links Available
$10 on Venmo
Tabata is a timed format using your body weight, and interval training. The goal is to get you more open while working on balance, full body and core strength and sports performance principles. All while having fun and getting your heart rate going of course!
Functional Strength
Recorded Links Available
$10 on Venmo
Functional Strength is a strength based class utilizing the creative tools we have access to: weights, kettlebells, cans, backpacks full of books, bags of kitty litter, towels, bands. Learn how to create better posture and healthier habits that build muscles & avoid injury!
“The Zoom workouts with Miriam have been a fantastic way to stay in shape and keep connected with others during this tough time. The programming is excellent and constantly varied, incorporating what you have around -- from a towel to slide to a backpack full of canned goods to squat!”
-Alex Patterson
"Miriam did a great job sizing up my needs and addressing my desire for greater flexibility. I am impressed with her general knowledge of physiology and what each exercise is doing for your body. She communicates well, using plain language to describe the work and making it easy to get the most out of each session. But the best thing about Miriam is her generosity of spirit. She is kind, funny and enthusiastic, leaving you with a shine that lasts well into the day!"
Jeff, age 61, Harlem
Interested in becoming a better runner or racer? Need help training for a 5k , half or full marathon? How about trying your first obstacle course series? As a seasoned marathoner and OCR racer (the half is my favorite distance) with years of run coaching in my repertoire, I want to help you reach your goals! From program design, gait analysis and injury prevention to speed and quickness performance I’m here to help you improve. Reach out and let's get you running!